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New-made furniture
Medieval - Antique set, accessories
Medieval - Antique set, accessories
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Product categories
Period furniture
Bed, bedroom set, cradle
Bookcase and shelf
Cafeteria cart, serving table, newspaper holder
Chest of drawers
Coat stand
Cupboard, Sideboard
Display cabinet
Dressing / washbasin table
Hall rack
Postamens, flower stand, cordon column and rope
Screen, room divider
Secretaire, Tabernacle
Sitting furniture - armchair
Sitting furniture - chair with armrests
Sitting furniture - chair without armrests
Sitting furniture - high, - piano stool
Sitting furniture - retro chair
Sitting furniture - rocking chair
Sitting furniture - sets
Sitting furniture - sofa, bench, couch
Sitting furniture - window arm bench, pouf, footrest
Standing hanger, server, prayer stool
Table - bedside
Table - console, - card, - game
Table - coffee
Table - dining
Table - other
Table - salon
Table - sewing
Umbrella stand
Wall hanger, curtain rail and hardware
Wall shelf, wall,-standing small cabinet
Period objects
Bag, suitcase
Box, writing chest, money box
Candle holder - wood, metal, other
Glasses, binoculars, lorgnette, magnifying glass
Gramophone, turntable, musical instrument
Inkwell and desk tools
Jewellery, brooch, badge
Lamp - Chandelier, ceiling lights
Lamp - Kerosene, ceiling, wall
Lamp - Kerosene, table
Lamp - Wall sconce, painting and theatre lamps
Lamp - shade
Lamp - Standing, candelabra
Lamp - table, salon
Metal eating and cafe utensils
Ornament - glass
Ornament - metal, mineral
Porcelain - Herendi
Porcelain - ornament
Porcelain - Zsolnay
Pourer, bottle, glass, flat glass
Sculpture - wood, metal, mineral
Servant bell, electrical switch
Serving bowl, table center, wine cooler
Silver objects
Smoking, cigar smoking devices
Theatrical bag, gloves, hand fan
Toiletries, perfume bottles
Trays - metal, wood, other
Vase, planter - metal, glass, porcelain
Walking stick, horsewhip, curve stick
Washing set, water jug
Alarm clock
Barometer, thermometer
Frame,-picture clock
Grandfather clock
Mantel clock set
Other clock
Pocket watch, stopwatch
Station,- retro,- kitchen wall clock
Table,- mantel clock
Tower clock & accessories
Travelling clock
Wall clock
Wrist watch
Engravings, etchings
Picture frames - table, wall
Prints, reproductions
Pine and vintage furniture
Base unit, counter, serving and tv cabinet
Bedside table
Bookcase - cabinet, - shelf,
Cabinet - shoe
Chest of drawers, bureau
Chest - other
Coffee table
Console table
Dining / kitchen table
Flower stand
Herb cabinet
Kitchen cabinet, serving cabinet, étagere
Other table
Sitting furniture - bench - without backrest
Sitting furniture - bulrush braid chair
Sitting furniture - child chair
Sitting furniture - kitchen, - dining chair, stool
Sitting furniture - milking, -cobbler stool
Sitting furniture - patio bench, bench with backrest
Standing shelf, water bench
Trunk - travelling
Waggon seat
Wall cabinet
Wall mount hook rack
Wall mount shelf
Wine rack
Garden accessories
Building materials - metal, roof ornaments, windows, sheds
Building material - stone and ceramic
Building material - wood column
Candelabra, outdoor lamps, lamp holders
Fence, barrier, pergola
Flower holder, postamens - iron, metal
Flower holder, postamens - stone, artificial stone
Furniture - bench
Furniture - chair
Furniture - sitting set
Furniture - table
Galvanized products
Stone ball, stone mushroom
Stone post, Chimneys
Trough - Stone, artificial stone
Well - Accessories for pulley / sweep well
Well - iron pump
Well - stone well, fountain
Well - wall fountain
Window, fan grill made of iron
Loft - industrial design
Furniture - cabinets
Furniture - carpenters bench
Furniture - industrial stool
Furniture - workshop cabinet, container
Furniture - workshop/work, detention cell table
Industrial iron doors and windows
lamp - Industrial
Lamp -Other
Lamp - Workshop
Loudspeaker, handheld and outdoor speakers
Other workshop elements
Workshop machine, stand
Workshop trolley
Folk art
Bell, cowbell
Furniture - bench
Furniture - cabinet
Furniture - chair, seat
Furniture - chest, box
Furniture - jug holder
Furniture - szuszek trunk
Furniture - wall cabinet
Metal kitchen utensil
Metal tool
Shepherd carving, pocket knife and holder
Shepherd's crook, whip, other stick
Traditional costume
Wall mount hook rack
Washing paddle, washboard, distaff holder
Water bottle, horn
Old utensils
Agricultural tool
Agricultural tool - metal
Agricultural tool - mortar - wood
Agricultural tool - press, grinder, sheller, sprayer
Bucket -wood, -leather, bucket carrier
Container - demizson, carboy - glass
Container – trash bin, can – mixed
Kitchen tool - grinder, roaster
Kitchen tool - metal
Kitchen tool - mortar - metal
Kitchen tool - wood, glass
Kitchen utensil - Enamel
Ladder, staircase, ladder chair
Mannequin, other stand
Rope, fastening, chains, snails
Saddle, yoke – equestrian accessories
Scales, weights
Soda charger, soda bottle, siphon
Spinning wheel, Yarn spinner, Spinner
Storage - barrel, wine rack
Storage - basket, crate - wicker
Storage container - ceramic
Storage container – wood, paper
Storage - wooden basin, bushel, wooden trough
Storage - wooden trough, trough holder
Tool - metal, tool box
Tool - pickaxe, hatchet, axe, sledgehammer
Tool - spade, hoe, fork, scythe, rake, baker's peel
Tool stand - wood
Washbasin holder, wash stand, water tank
Audiovisual equipment
Bathroom - accessories
Bathroom - bathtubs - metal
Cage - bird, other storage
Cook stove
Door lock - handle, lock, padlock, etc
Fan, radiator, massager
Instrument - bell, chime
Instrument - electrical
Instrument - music-related objects, tools
Instrument - stringed
Instrument - wind, keyboard
Lantern - storm, miner's, carriage
Mattresses, feather bed
Musical instrument - percussion and accessories
Nautical accessories, ornaments
Refrigerator, ice trays, artificial ice
Sign - enamel, advertising items
Sign - company name, shop inscription
sign - heraldic images, other
Sign - road sign, guide, other
Shutter - door, window, blind
Small household appliance
Sport, PE equipment
Stove, fireplace, boiler, radiator
Stove, fireplace, furnace accessories
Toy - stroller, children's vehicle
Trophy, taxidermy, bone
Vehicle - bicycle, other accessories
Vehicle - cart, small wagon, dray, wheelbarrow, other transport
Visualisation tools, minerals, globes
Military and law enforcement objects, equipment
Air raid siren
Bag - side, -map, -bread, -belt, -sabretache
Belts, shoulder strap, powder and flag holder
Camouflage net, tents and accessories
Canteen, mug, glass
Chest -ammunition, -weapon, -green machine holder
Devices used for punishment
Explosion related devices, munitions
Food, supplies
Gas masks and accessories
Lamp - battery, other
Military law enforcement identification, document
Military tool, equipment
Packs - back, -chest, -kit
Plate, cutlery, food carrier,
Radio and broadcasting equipment
Roadblocks, camp protection
Snow boots
Stretcher, table, chair
Uniform, cap, badge, accessory
Vehicle accessories, number plates, fuel tanks
Weapon - Flamethrower, other
Weapon - pistol, -rifle
Weapon - sword, dagger, bayonet
Weapon accessories - gun, -gun rack, - ammunition, magazine and gunpowder holder, -cartridge case loader
Weapon - ax, halberd, spear, weapon stand
Weapon - Bows and accessories, slingshot, catapult
Weapons - cannon, siege engines and their accessories, ammunition, grenades
Weapon - hand striking, cutting, crushing, throwing weapon
Weapon - shield, helmet, armour, armour stand
Weapon - sword, dagger, knife
Weapon - threshing tool, pickaxe, scythe, spear
Equipment and supplies for premises, institutions, commercial units
Beach, camping
Cafe, pub, bistro equipments
Cafe, pub, catering, coctail table
Cafe, pub chair, bar stool
Cash registers, calculators, ATM
Casino, arcade, nightclub, lottery shop
Grocery store, shop accessories, tools
Grocery store, shop advertising boxes
Grocery store, shop, bar, counter, -display cabinet
Grocery store, shop newspaper shelf, cabinet, chest
Hat, umbrella shop
Hospital bed, bedside table, folding screen
Hospital, medical, ambulance equipment
Hotel furnishings
Market products - vegetables, fruit, produce, seafood, flowers, ornamental plants
Office, bank desk, chair, writing desk
Office, bank equipment, typewriter, other
Office, bank filing cabinet, shelf, cupboard, safe
Office, bank, table lamp
Office, waiting room, changing room bench
Paint store, paint containers
Pharmacy, drugstore
Photography, projection, cinema
Post office, printing
Restaurant – cutlery – metal
Restaurant - food, - and coffee set
Restaurant, kitchen and catering
School, classroom
Stands and shelves for markets,- trade fairs,- vegetables,- newspapers, crates, trays, storages
Equipment and accessories for crafts and trades
Baker, pastry chef, cheese maker
Barber, hairdresser, cosmetics
Beekeeper, fisherman
Butcher tools, table, artificial meat
Carpenter, wood turner
Firefighting-related equipment
Chimney sweep
Cleaning, washing, ironing
Funeral and mortuary
Hunting-related tools
Masonry, painter, tinsmith, surveyor tools
Miner's, caver's tools
Painting tools
Sculptor, ceramist
Shoemaker, cobbler, bootblack
Tailor's, sewing, weaving, knitter
Watchmaker, goldsmith, gold bars
Medieval - Antique set, accessories
Architectural elements, tent roofs, space divider, dovecote, wicker fence
Books, paper rolls, archival supplies, book holders, writing desks
Cage, torture device, handcuffs, fake corpse/limb, mechanical structures, wheels
Candlestick - table, wall, incense burner
Candle holder - candelabra
Cauldron, kettle, stand, bucket - iron, copper, spits
Chalice, cup, glass, goblet - metal, ceramics, glass
Chalice, cup, glass - wood, leather
Chandeliers, hanging incense burners, candles
Church, religious tools, altars
Crown, royal symbols
Distiller, brandy maker
Fire bowl, fire basket, stand
Furniture - Bed, Cradle
Furniture - Bench - with backrest
Furniture - Bench - without backrest
Furniture - Chair
Furniture - Chair - Savonarola
Furniture - Chair - Throne and Armchair
Furniture - Chair - seat
Furniture - Chest, szuszek, box
Furniture - Sideboard, cupboard, cabinet, bookshelf
Furniture - Table
Hand washing bowl, stand, water tank, spital accesories
Haversack, pouch, handbag, kit-bag, leather hose, canteen bottle
Jug, pourer, pitcher, bottle - leather, bone, ceramic, glass
Kitchen tools - iron, copper
Kitchen tools from wood
Lantern,- lamp holder,- wall sconce,-torch
Pedestal, stand
Pitcher, pourer, can, vase - metal
Palanquin, stretcher, crutches, other carrier, transporter
Plates, bowls, trays, cutlery - metal, wooden, ceramic
Sticks - ceremonial, rank and status symbols
Wall bracket, shelf, spoon holder, pelmet
Textil, upholstery, animal fur, leather
Animal skins, - fur
Bags, sheets, tea towels, canvas material
Burlap material
Canvas materials
Carpet, kilim
Curtain tassel
Flag, wall flag, banner and accessories
Furniture fabric
Horse blanket
Hedges, wickerwork
Materials, end to end, in rolls
Pillow - sitting, kneeling, cushion
Pillowcase, duvet cover, mattress pad
Shelf edging
Tapestry - wall
Underlay, lace, woven
Wall carpet, wall protector, wall decor
Wall tapestry, wall image
Drew Pritchard
Helen Mirren
Offices for rent
Round plate with zigzag edge
ID: 469622
(1 pcs)
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Inner rim with scroll-shaped ornamental tray
ID: 469619
(1 pcs)
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Patina tray
ID: 469616
(1 pcs)
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Square tray with flanged rim
ID: 469613
(1 pcs)
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Curved-ended rectangular tray with a flanged rim
ID: 469610
(1 pcs)
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Oval metal trays small trays (mixed)
ID: 469607
(6 pcs)
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Square alpaca tray with jagged edge
ID: 469604
(1 pcs)
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Ellipse-shaped plate tray
ID: 469601
(1 pcs)
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Ovales Alpakatablett
ID: 469598
(1 pcs)
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Ornamental platter
ID: 469595
(1 pcs)
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Oval pewter tray with zigzag rim
ID: 469592
(1 pcs)
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Ellipsoidal alpaca tray
ID: 469589
(1 pcs)
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Hemispherical brass mortar
ID: 469583
(4 pcs)
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Large copper mortar
ID: 469586
(2 pcs)
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Double-eared copper conical pot
ID: 469580
(2 pcs)
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Large copper pot
ID: 469577
(2 pcs)
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Low rimmed pan
ID: 469571
(1 pcs)
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Wide collar pot with flared rim
ID: 469568
(1 pcs)
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Deer headed four legged cylindrical holder
ID: 467989
(1 pcs)
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Cone-shaped brandy glass
ID: 467986
(4 pcs)
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Small glass with decorated bottom
ID: 467983
(1 pcs)
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Tiny brandy bowl
ID: 467980
(17 pcs)
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Tiny brandy bowl
ID: 467975
(2 pcs)
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Small brandy bowl
ID: 467972
(4 pcs)
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Tiny ¾ spherical arched bowl
ID: 467969
(2 pcs)
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Small ¾ spherical arched bowl
ID: 467966
(1 pcs)
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Oriental decrescent and whistle arched bowl
ID: 467963
(2 pcs)
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Black oriental decorative painted arched bowl
ID: 467960
(1 pcs)
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Drinking bowl with engraved small pattern
ID: 467957
(1 pcs)
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Hemispherical arched bowl with mixed decoration
ID: 467954
(7 pcs)
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Hemispherical bowl with decorative embossing
ID: 467951
(4 pcs)
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Drinking bowl with ornamental decoration on the rim
ID: 467945
(1 pcs)
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