Delivery in person and time:
During opening hours, we expect a delivery team provided by the customer. We are open Mon-Fri 8:00 – 16.30.
On weekdays we are closed from 12:30-13:00 for lunch.
Please ensure that the delivery does not exceed our opening hours!
In case we receive advance information about the arrival of the supplier (at least 1-2 days in advance), we will try to prepare the order according to our possibilities and capacity.
Priority will be given to customers who are registered. We can prepare the products in the order of check-in. If no appointment has been made and all our publishers and colleagues are busy, we will unfortunately have to wait.
Address: 2600 Vác, Naszály út 18.
Szentkirályi Krisztina (assistant – sales, rentals)+36-20-209-19-97
Ágnes Mucsy (assistant – sales, rental) +36-20-244-63-53
Krisztina Nagy (assistant – sales, rental) +36-20-213-63-63
Kata Pásztor (assistant – sales, rental) +36-20-479-43-73
Petra Liebhardt (assistant – finance, invoicing) +36-20-351-41-01
Zsolt Parádi CEO (only in case of high-volume sales, export, and about clocks)
MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8.00-16.30 h (lunch: 12.30-13.00 h)
SATURDAY: 10.00-13.00 h
SUNDAY: Closed