An article/recommendation, about us, from a french community, whos living in hungary
One of our companionship, Sandrine Bouchard is recommending an antique shop. It has 2 warehouse: in one, you can find the furnitures, which waiting for renovation, in the other, the restored ones. We can buy the products in finished condition , or we can choose an unrenovated one, and we can pick the final color of it. There are a lot of antique furniture, but we can also find some new-made items, which just looks old. When we are coming from Budapest, we can find the shop at the highroad exit near Vác. Before visiting, make an appointment.”
Meanwhile our company has moved to a new place, so before planning a route, please, visit the Contact menu! Making an appointment is not required.
Address: 2600 Vác, Naszály út 18.
Szentkirályi Krisztina (assistant – sales, rentals)+36-20-209-19-97
Ágnes Mucsy (assistant – sales, rental) +36-20-244-63-53
Krisztina Nagy (assistant – sales, rental) +36-20-213-63-63
Kata Pásztor (assistant – sales, rental) +36-20-479-43-73
Petra Liebhardt (assistant – finance, invoicing) +36-20-351-41-01
Zsolt Parádi CEO (only in case of high-volume sales, export, and about clocks)
MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8.00-16.30 h (lunch: 12.30-13.00 h)
SATURDAY: 10.00-13.00 h
SUNDAY: Closed